Watson to lead EY in Yorkshire and Humberside.Grant Thornton appointments target growth in south west.Celebrity investors told to prepare for tax crackdown.Accountancy Age Best Employer Survey: Top ten revealed.Drop in insolvencies hits Begbies profits.More ‘purposive’ legislation would help stop tax avoidance - advisers.Thor hammers home £20m tax relief claim.Rebus launches Icebreaker settlement scheme.More than 1,600 including celebrities in £1.2bn Liberty scheme.Draghi tells EU to 'progress swiftly' in adopting IFRS 9.888 plays it safe with EY audit appointment.EY announces 68 new equity partners in the UK.Nando’s accused of using offshore tax avoidance structure.Government adviser implicated in avoidance scheme.HMRC to raise £7bn from 'pay up first' powers.Smith & Nephew ends 77-year audit relationship with EY.'Complex complaints' push Taxation Disciplinary Board work to new level.

14th World Congress of Accounting Historians.8th Accounting History International Conference.IAAER 12th World Congress of Accounting Educators and Researchrs.Academy Ice Cream Social at the AAA Annual Meeting 8:00 PM.Academy Business Meeting at the AAA Annual Meeting 7:00 PM.Academy CPE Workshop at the AAA Annual Meeting 1:00 PM.Academy of Accounting Historians - Estados Unidos de América.